My Response and Take on Dave Bautista’s “Pride Month” Message
There’s going to be a little more that I will discuss than what the title says, but I will start with the subject first. There are some headlines and posts that I wish I hadn’t seen or read. The message that I saw this morning from wrestler/actor Dave Bautista to those who have a difference of opinion about Pride month, a month that recognizes the LGBTQ community, is one of them.
Now, I normally don’t comment much on this topic, but in this case, I’ll make an exception. Apparently, Bautista had some strong words for those who don’t celebrate this month, saying, “Fuck you, if you don’t like it.” What I’ve noticed over the years when people are hardcore defenders of that lifestyle or make comments like that is either they’re gay and/or they know someone who lives that lifestyle.
Back when I watched wrestling avidly, when Bautista was climbing up the wrestling ranks, I remember hearing something about Bautista’s mom being a lesbian, so that gives some credence to my theory, but for him to voice an aggressive response like that makes me wonder about him. Yes, I’ve seen where he has been married to multiple women in the past, but honestly, that doesn’t mean too much nowadays. Some guys use that as a cover-up.
I remember when people would say gays are being “bullied,” now they have become the bullies — with the help of most of society — by trying to make people accept that lifestyle. If you criticize them, it’s viewed as “homophobic.” You don’t say anything over-the-top, and no slurs are used, if you say something about that community that they don’t like it will automatically be viewed as “homophobic.”
I’ll use my take on the LGBTQ community as an example. First and foremost, don’t come at me with me that. Secondly, I don’t bully or harass them, I let them be. However, I don’t agree with or support that lifestyle. Despite everything I said, no slurs, threats or anything, there are people who would still view that as “homophobic”. Ironically, my response to them is the same as Bautista’s response to those who don’t support this month: Fuck you.
It reminds me of the women who view any criticism of them as “misogyny”. Nothing over-the-top or anything that would actually qualify as misogyny, you can give a legitimate critique of them, and they don’t like it, it’s considered “misogyny” or “bashing”.
As I alluded to earlier, I barely comment on this subject, but seeing that “message” crossed me. I’ve had it with the bullying, shaming tactics, and people like Bautista who attack people because they have a difference of opinion about that way of life. Just like they have a right to live and celebrate that lifestyle, people such as myself have a right to disagree with it and speak out against it if we choose to, whether you like it or not.
So no, I don’t celebrate it. I’m not going to tell adults how to live their lives, but you can’t make me or anyone else accept it, either. So, my response to that message is, ‘No, fuck you.’ I’m not done. I plan on covering more topics like this that I view as fascist or has a form fascism this summer and more. Stay tuned.