Rhetorical Question: What Happened to Freedom of Speech?

Edward Anthony
6 min readNov 4, 2022


Kyrie Irving is one of the recent who have come fire for posting something that Jews and their bootlicking lackeys didn’t like. Photo Credit: Charles Wenzelberg / New York Post.

You can’t say or post, for that matter, anything nowadays without somehow offending somebody. You know, I’ve had people accuse me of being sensitive, and I think to myself, “Apparently, they’ve never met the likes of some people.” One of the many stigmas of so-called Black people is that they’re sensitive and everything offends them. Well, from what I can tell, Jews aren’t any better. It’s funny because since the passing of this YouTuber I would listen to sometimes, I see or hear about things taking place in society, and almost immediately something he said would come to mind.

I remember him saying in a video that Jews are the most sensitive people on the planet and are the biggest victims. Ironically, he placed “Blacks” right behind them in those categories. You can’t say anything without it being labeled “misogyny,” “Anti-Semitic,” “homophobic,” and so on. Yes, there are some statements that qualify under those categories but it seems to me that it’s all relative. What I mean by that is what you say doesn’t have to necessarily qualify as one of those descriptions. All you have to do is say or post something they don’t like, and it will (somehow) automatically fall into one of those above categories I used as examples.

This brings me to NBA star Kyrie Irving and the media firestorm he somehow caused — well, I know why because people are ultra-sensitive — by sharing a post on his social media account of a documentary entitled, Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America. Well, these negroes do need to wake up, but anyway, this was considered “Anti-Semitic”. Now, what he posted didn’t come as a shock to me, nor was I outraged because I came out of a religion that taught “Blacks” are the original Jews.

This is something that’s common among the religious sect called the Hebrew Israelites and Black Conscious types of teachers/preachers. Although looking back on it, I think that chrome head bastard I’m indirectly referring to was using what I call bait rhetoric and race hustling to lure people into his dysfunctional, crooked ass, congregation, but I digress. More on him in an upcoming book.

One on end, when you put that kind of information out there, especially considering these people have been claiming this heritage for generations and counting, then someone or some people come along and say that another nation originally represents that heritage, naturally, there’s going to be some offense because they’re looking at: you’re saying we’re not the people we say we are, you’re calling us liars.

However, he posted a link to a documentary that possibly could be pertaining to his beliefs of the aforementioned. If that’s so, I mean, I’m not a religious person, but I thought there was something called freedom of religion…just like I thought was something called freedom of speech.

Speaking of which, okay, you don’t like or agree with what someone said. Okay, fine. You’re entitled to that, but for it to come down to either suspending them — which I figured was coming in Kyrie’s case — or trying to have their careers terminated, I think that’s manipulation because it seems to me, you’re trying to control what people say. That’s his social media account, and just like anyone else, he has a right post whatever he wants. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, some sick fuck engaging in or promoting pedophilia. I can understand deplatforming someone like that.

The reason why I say the question in the title is a rhetorical one is because in theory, you’re supposed to have the right to speak your mind, whether people like it, dislike it, agree or disagree, and it’s documented in the Constitution as the First Amendment. However, I know in reality it’s bullshit. It’s freedom of speech when it’s convenient to people. It’s freedom of speech until you say or demonstrate something people don’t like.

Then you have these negroes who, of course, sided with Jews. I read a post where former NBA player Reggie Miller and his former NBA, now-TNT colleagues commented on the situation. Reggie’s gripe was the lack of NBA players speaking up against Kyrie’s so-called offense, bringing up how people came together when it came to Donald Sterling and Robert Sarver, two former NBA owners — well, I think Sarver is still owner of the Phoenix Suns, he’s just suspended for the year — who were said to have made racist and other offensive comments, but there’s “crickets” when it comes to one of their own.

Of course, Charles Barkley opened his mouth, and Shaquille O’Neal called Kyrie an “idiot,” accusing him of causing division. Well Shaq, I hate to break this to you, but nothing has changed — very little at best. This “unity,” “diversity” stuff is mostly an illusion, a trickbag that most negroes like himself have fallen into. I’m sure Stephen A. Smith had something to say about it as well. He and Kyrie don’t see eye-to-eye, so this gives him an opportunity to go in on him and do his job as one of their (i.e., Caucasians/Jews) attack dogs.

On a side note, honestly, I don’t keep up with sports commentary or I rarely keep up with it at best, and people like Stephen A. and many of his colleagues are the reason why, although Stephen A. (and Skip Bayless) stands out in this regard. The only reason I found out about Reggie and his TNT peers is a headline I saw about him on my MSN feed. Being a fan of his when he played, I guess that caused me to click on the link — although in retrospect I wish I hadn’t.

I vehemently disagree with Reggie on this one. Unlike Sterling and Sarver, all Kyrie did was post a documentary which again, might’ve tied into his religious beliefs. He didn’t make any disparaging, hateful, or threatening remarks about Jews, which is what I thought Anti-Semitism was.

Some might say I’m defending Kyrie, no, I’m defending freedom of speech. However, from the comments that I’ve read, particularly from the likes of “Black” talking heads in sports media, it reminded me and it amazes me how a race of people are so quick to love, forgive, and come to the defense of every-fucking-body else but their own. Then it’s people whom the majority don’t give a fuck about them, whether it’s Caucasians, Jews or otherwise. For the most part, you’re a commodity at best.

I hope Kyrie didn’t expect these negroes to support him on this. For the most part, “Black” people are the last people you can rely on in these situations. Most of them are some jive ass, treacherous, cut-throat, kiss-ass, slave-minded, cowardly ass bitches.

This reminds me of an idiot YouTuber — of course, he’s a negro — who I view as a bootlicker of other races, particularly Caucasians/Jews and Asians, who would make this claim that “Blacks” are jealous of Jews. I’m sure that was shock jock talk more than anything because I’m familiar with his rhetoric, but to make an outrageous claim like that with no way of verifying it is retarded. For those who view Kyrie’s posts as offensive and inaccurate, to me, that comment is just as offensive and inaccurate because again — I don’t know if he’s still saying that dumb shit because I stopped listening to him years ago — he has no concrete proof of “Blacks” being jealous of Jews.

Anyway, now that I’m thinking about it, I’m curious to know if the likes of Reggie, Charles, Shaquille and others of their demographic who has a problem with Kyrie were as vocal when that decrepit fuck Tommy Tuberville called slaves, and pretty much Afro-Americans “criminals.” I wish I could hit the reset button on this race/ethnicity. Not just these negroes here in America, but the African Diaspora. That’s subject for another post.

The one thing I can say is that least Kyrie is standing his ground, so far. I’ve seen so many of these dudes being forced to acquiesce and make some bullshit apology it’s not even funny. I remember when Nick Cannon said something similar regarding “Blacks” being the original Hebrews, and that caused an uproar. The Jewish community came at him and he backed down like a bitch.

Despite this claim of freedom of speech, this country seems to be headed more and more toward censorship, unless those of us who are truly advocates for freedom of speech, and not when it’s not convenient to them, fight back. Yes, there are some things you should be mindful of, but overall, don’t allow anyone to silence you or deprive you of the right to speak your mind.



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